Nyanya Bora Youth Project evolved from a men-only to a mixed group. This change encouraged reflections and lessons about how to combine young women’s and men’s capabilities in order to become successful in the tomato farming industry and gain the respect and acknowledgement of their community.
Solution and innovation
The Nyaya Bora Youth project assesses the four conditions in the following way:
Link to income generating activities and use of friendly tools

Nyaya Bora Youth project is an Agribusiness group led by youth. Its main activities are horticulture products (mainly tomatoes) and they work applying modern technologies to these farming businesses. This group provides training to other community members and study tours in to their farms.
Nyanya Bora Project implements its activities with gender inclusiveness taking into consideration an equal participation of men and women in achieving development. The group has involved young women in its operations providing them with training on production, sales, distribution of farming products. The participation on women in the group has boost its performance.
This project also plays a role of change agents in the community, recruiting young men and women to work in the program and provide them with life skills. This group has an important story to tell about how a program that was composed by men opened to include women. This change came with different challenges and realizations that are lessons learned for other mixed groups.
The Nyaya Bora Youth Project has adopted a participatory and community engagement approach on its activities. Young men and women work together in demonstration farms which has helped transforming the mindset of their community and parents towards youth and specially young girls.
Use of role models
Nothing is mentioned about role models.
Use of digital tools
The group uses social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to share knowledge and reach more young people.