Founded in 2015 by Singlespark
The Netherlands, Liberia
Business-in-a-Box inspires potential entrepreneurs with existing business concepts from experienced entrepreneurs, and supports the entrepreneurs step-by-step from the first idea until the first year of start-up.

Many businesses, especially in rural areas, do not survive the first year. Young entrepreneurs struggle with lack of ideas for potentially successful businesses. They are challenged by limited knowledge of how to access the market, start a business and make them sustainable. Also, they have limited access to support and often struggle when starting a business on their own.

Solution and innovation
Business-in-a-box offers start-up kits and support to high-potential entrepreneurs in the difficult start-up period. They first search for new business ideas that are potentially viable and locally relevant, and then identify the best entrepreneurs to start these businesses. Business-in-a-box gives step-by-step guidance in starting a specific business. With online and offline modules they explain which equipment, tools and materials are needed to take off. The kit explains how the product or service can be made, and how to organize the procurement, marketing, sales and financials. Monthly group trainings as well as continuous individual mentoring are provided as additional support through the first year.

In 2015 the pilot in Rwanda resulted in 250 people subscribing, 30 being selected and trained, and 1 entrepreneur starting a business. A follow-up programme in Liberia in 2016 resulted in 180 people subscribing, 30 being selected and trained, and 10 entrepreneurs starting businesses. Their businesses have been active for 2 months now. A third program in the Ivory Coast attracted 300 subscribers, of which 30 were selected and trained, and 20 entrepreneurs have now written a business plan. A jury will select the best proposals who can start up their business in April.
“Jean Paul never heard about Laser Engraving, but got inspired during the Feasibility Scan Workshop. He worked himself through all the trainings and now runs a flourishing business. He creates designs on his laptop and gives accessories a personal touch.”
Watch the Singlesparks introduction video.