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Report 20 & 21 October 2014 |  Transnational Investigative Journalism Programme


Photo's and quotes from the report of 20 and 21 October 2014 about the Transnational Investigative Journalism Programme. Learn more, read the report -> Report Transnational Investigative Journalism Programme| 21-22 October


Idris Akinbajo (32), investigative journalist, AIPC. Working mostly from Nigeria, now studying in Denmark:

‘I think that every initiative stimulating cooperation of journalists is important.’ 








Maggie O’Kane, award-winning Irish journalist and documentary film maker:

‘No, I did not sell my soul to the devil’ 

Tom van der Lee, Director of Advocacy and Campaigns of Oxfam Novib

‘NGO’s and journalists want the same thing, we don’t want to transform journalists in propagandists.