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Study of the 3-year EU-funded DEAR project E-Motive

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Kaleidos Research


January 2016
Participants of E-motive exchanges, especially those in the Global North, often already have a high level of awareness of global interdependencies. Instead, E-Motive exchanges result in professional learning, and is less about development education. The programme introduces a new way to establish coalitions and exchanging knowledge between experts on specific global issues. Kaleidos Research concluded that in order to generate an equal, mutual exchange between peers it is not only necessary to choose the right participants, but also to create space for reflection.

“The positive effects on Southern partners of E-motive exchanges have been manifold: effects were found on knowledge development, methodological development, network seize, and reputation. The improvement of network and reputation mostly took place in the partner’s country and in The Netherlands (exchange country).”

“The most important effect appeared to be in peer to peer professional learning. Additionally, the results do support an assumption regarding participation of Southern partners. Participating in E-motive exchanges broadens the Southern partner’s network.”


“We argue that peer to peer learning is an essential and successful part in E-Motive exchanges.”