Innovations in Education
Innovations in Education
21st century education faces one main challenge: the modern world is changing so quickly that the knowledge children learn at school today, may not be valid anymore when they are grown up. It requires innovative educational approach which would support child's holistic development.
Participatory Development Training Centre (PADETC) has developed a comprehensive educational approach which is successfully implemented in Laos.
Teachers, psychologists and educators from Laos and Poland met during E-Motive exchange to learn from each other and to find the way to implement new methods in their everyday work.
The method developed by PADETC is very complex – it is not only the way of teaching but it is also the involvement of volunteers, trainings for teachers and work for local community. This kind of approach is very unusual in Poland – it is very valuable to show how to incorporate learning, discovering and acting into a school curriculum.
For PADETC it is interesting to see how their methods work in a totally different context and to spread the idea of a “good school” so far from Laos.
How: solutions/ methods/ results
E-Motive exchange was mainly addressed to teachers, educators, psychologists and headmasters. Polish participants got to know Lao methods of teaching (storytelling being one of them), organising school, getting local community involved and training teachers and volunteers.
For the representatives of PADETC it was interesting to see the therapeutical and psychological support provided at Polish schools and educational institutions for children who need it.
There was a manual prepared to explain PADETC way of work and promote the idea of E-Motive.
Lao PDR: Vientiane
Poland: Poznan
After the E-Motive exchange some Lao methods of work with children were implemented in Poland (e.g. meditation exercise and storytelling).
Both Lao and Polish organisations have established links which may be useful for further cooperation.
In Lao there is still the need to include therapeutical and psychological work into the school program – this may be further developed in the cooperation with Polish psychologists and therapeutists.