E-mpulse Game has passed its midpoint
E-mpulse Game has passed its midpoint
The E-mpulse Game has passed its midpoint. At this moment, 30 participants of 15 different countries are playing together and collaborating in local and global level. These players of the E-mpulse Game are change makers and social entrepreneurs of many different places and backgrounds. They are co-creating projects and initiatives all around the world to make a positive impact in their communities and to build sustainable solutions to the challenges we are facing as a societies.
There are projects that aim to: build women empowerment; to develop alternatives currencies; to create networks of artist, ecologist and science; to promote community development for natural disasters; to create living spaces to have a sustainable and wealth life; to promote new ways of education learning by doing; to promote civic participation in rural areas, etc. Some examples of these projects that are being incubated by the E-mpulse Game:
Andrea and Vanessa from Argentina are developing a prototype of social housing and environmentally sustainable by developing modules that can be easily constructed and affordable for everyone.
Admire from Zimbabwe wants to develop a six month journey of Leadership for Sustainable Communities. He is working in the design with member of his organization, Kufunda, a learning village that aims to work with individuals, communities, young people and children to promote sustainable life styles.
Dona from Canada, Eirini from Greece, Leticia from Brazil and Tania from Colombia are developing an international social organization that works with women empowerment thought innovative workshops
At this point participants have: discovered what is the moment and story we are living on this planet today; have created an appreciative diagnose and mapping of their contexts; have built powerful relationships between them; have propelled collective dreams of projects and common world vision’s; have co-created proto-types and project plans with their communities.
Now we are in the 4th circle in which the challenge is to mobilize resources to make the projects happen.
If you want to know more visit the website: empulsegame.emotiveprogram.org or the Facebook page