Exchange facilitating
Exchange facilitating
Preparation of program with covid-restrictions
In our original plans, the training of trainers as well as the training session would have taken place in a face-to-face meeting in South Sudan. However, due to travel restrictions related to Covid-19, these trainings will now take place in an online environment. Since online trainings require reliable internet connectivity which cannot be guaranteed in South Sudan, these remote trainings will be accompanied by offline instructions in the form of recorded videos. Also, since not every stakeholders will have to be trained on the Kobo Toolbox at the same level. We are categorizing training participants in three categories based on the training modules. The online training will then start with the basic modules. Users that will require more advanced knowledge will then participate in a training covering other modules. All trainings will be based on a training manual which is intended as a resource that can be used later on for other trainings as well.